Pre-K Curriculum

The Pre-K program in MSAD#1 is well underway and the happy faces at Mapleton Elementary School speak volumes about the program’s accomplishments. Under the guidance of Mapleton’s Pre-K Teacher Phyllis Hanson, students have participated in a variety of learning experiences.

Pre-K students attend school for five 2 1/2 to 3 hour sessions per week, Monday through Friday. To get a glimpse of a typical day in Pre-K, scroll down through the following photos and their descriptions.

If you have questions about the Pre-K program at Mapleton Elementary School, please get in touch. You may call the school at 764-1589, or send e-mail to Maranda Donovan, classroom teacher.  For questions about registration, please contact our Health Services Office at 764-8105.

Circle Time

The Pre-K day starts with Circle Time, which includes a group activity like a song or an action rhyme. Children are given the opportunity to express their ideas in a large group and learn from the ideas of others.

Small Group Time

Small Group Time is when children are presented with a developmentally appropriate activity, planned and introduced by the teacher. Sometimes new materials are introduced or children are given the opportunity to practice or expand on a skill.


The Plan-Do-Review cycle is the core of the day and follows small group time. It provides an opportunity for learning to start with the children’s own interests and ideas. Children plan their activities and carry them out during work time, later sharing what they did with others.

Art Area

The Art Area provides a place for children to express their creativity in a variety of mediums – with paint, markers, crayons, and other materials.

Housekeeping Area

The Housekeeping Area is stocked with kid-sized versions of household furniture and appliances, dolls and accessories, and storekeeping items which allow children to engage in dramatic and imaginative play.

Pretend Area

The Pretend Area is a great place for a child’s imagination, and has many clothes and accessories for the children to dress up in. Role playing is often extended to the other areas of the classroom.

Block Area

The Block Area contains building blocks in a variety of sizes, shapes and types. Children create structures of all types, which fosters their creativity while teaching them some important principles of problem solving, spatial relationships, fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination, verbal skills, social skills and even basic science and math concepts. Many of the building materials in the block area were purchased with an MBNA grant written by Mrs. Richards.

Quiet Area

The Quiet Area is brimming with books, puzzles and developmentally appropriate games. It’s a great place to work with these materials in a relaxed atmosphere, either alone or collaboratively with peers and/or adults.

Puppet Theater

Puppet Theater provides for some interesting, creative interaction and entertainment in the Pretend Area.

Guest Reader

Pre-K has been fortunate to have a variety of guest readers that include parents, grandparents, high school students and members of the community.


The Plan-Do-Review cycle ends with “recall.” Students reflect on their activities of the day, discussing what they did and what was learned. It gives children a structured, consistent opportunity to describe their actions and the results of them.

The High/Scope Curriculum “Wheel” is composed of five interrelated components. Active Learning is the central component or “hub” and supports the others – the “spokes” of the wheel. Active Learning is achieved through the use of materials, manipulation, choice, words and support. The Classroom Arrangement includes five or more defined interest areas/centers, a range of interesting materials and organized systems for storage and labeling. The Daily Schedule includes a “plan-do-review” sequence of events, consistency from day to day and balanced teacher-child initiated activities. Content incorporates time spent each day focusing on content areas, and key experiences in math, language, the arts, social studies and physical education. Assessment is achieved through the use of portfolios, observation, daily teacher planning and evaluation and the use of anecdotal records.